
Generation 1 (Kanto)

1 Bulbasaur
2 Ivysaur
3 Venusaur
4 Charmander
5 Charmeleon
6 Charizard
7 Squirtle
8 Wartortle
9 Blastoise
10 Caterpie
11 Metapod
12 Butterfree
13 Weedle
14 Kakuna
15 Beedrill
16 Pidgey
17 Pidgeotto
19 Rattata
20 Raticate
21 Spearow
22 Fearow
23 Ekans
24 Arbok
25 Pikachu
26 Raichu
27 Sandshrew
28 Sandslash
29 Nidoran F
30 Nidorina
31 Nidoqueen
32 Nidoran M
33 Nidorino
34 Nidoking
35 Clefairy
36 Clefable
37 Vulpix
38 Ninetales
39 Jigglypuff
40 Wigglytuff
41 Zubat
42 Golbat
43 Oddish
44 Gloom
45 Vileplume
46 Paras
47 Parasect
48 Venonat
49 Venomoth
50 Diglett
51 Dugtrio
52 Meowth
53 Persian
54 Psyduck
55 Golduck
56 Mankey
57 Primeape
58 Growlithe
60 Poliwag
61 Poliwhirl
62 Poliwrath
63 Abra
64 Kadabra
65 Alakazam
66 Machop
69 Bellsprout
70 Weepinbell
72 Tentacool
74 Geodude
75 Graveler
76 Golem
77 Ponyta
78 Rapidash
79 Slowpoke
81 Magnemite
83 Farfetch'd
84 Doduo
85 Dodrio
86 Seel
87 Dewgong
88 Grimer
89 Muk
92 Gastly
94 Gengar
96 Drowzee
97 Hypno
98 Krabby
100 Voltorb
101 Electrode
102 Exeggcute
103 Exeggutor
104 Cubone
105 Marowak
106 Hitmonlee
107 Hitmonchan
108 Lickitung
109 Koffing
113 Chansey
114 Tangela
116 Horsea
118 Goldeen
122 Mr. Mime
123 Scyther
126 Magmar
127 Pinsir
128 Tauros
129 Magikarp
132 Ditto
133 Eevee
134 Vaporeon
135 Jolteon
136 Flareon
137 Porygon
138 Omanyte
139 Omastar
140 Kabuto
142 Aerodactyl
143 Snorlax
144 Articuno
145 Zapdos
146 Moltres
147 Dratini
148 Dragonair
149 Dragonite
150 Mewtwo
151 Mew

Generation 2 (Johto)

152 Chikorita
153 Bayleef
154 Meganium
155 Cyndaquil
156 Quilava
157 Typhlosion
158 Totodile
159 Croconaw
160 Feraligatr
161 Sentret
162 Furret
163 Hoothoot
164 Noctowl
165 Ledyba
166 Ledian
167 Spinarak
168 Ariados
169 Crobat
170 Chinchou
171 Lanturn
172 Pichu
173 Cleffa
174 Igglybuff
175 Togepi
176 Togetic
177 Natu
178 Xatu
179 Mareep
180 Flaaffy
181 Ampharos
183 Marill
184 Azumarill
185 Sudowoodo
186 Politoed
187 Hoppip
188 Skiploom
190 Aipom
191 Sunkern
192 Sunflora
193 Yanma
194 Wooper
195 Quagsire
196 Espeon
197 Umbreon
198 Murkrow
199 Slowking
200 Misdreavus
201 Unown
202 Wobbuffet
203 Girafarig
206 Dunsparce
209 Snubbull
210 Granbull
211 Qwilfish
213 Shuckle
214 Heracross
215 Sneasel
216 Teddiursa
217 Ursaring
218 Slugma
219 Magcargo
220 Swinub
221 Piloswine
223 Remoraid
224 Octillery
226 Mantine

Generation 3 (Hoenn)

228 Houndour
229 Houndoom
231 Phanpy
233 Porygon2
234 Stantler
235 Smeargle
236 Tyrogue
237 Hitmontop
238 Smoochum
239 Elekid
240 Magby
241 Miltank
242 Blissey
245 Suicune
246 Larvitar
249 Lugia
250 Ho-Oh
251 Celebi
252 Treecko
253 Grovyle
255 Torchic
256 Combusken
257 Blaziken
258 Mudkip
259 Marshtomp
260 Swampert
261 Poochyena
263 Zigzagoon
264 Linoone
265 Wurmple
266 Silcoon
267 Beautifly
268 Cascoon
269 Dustox
270 Lotad
273 Seedot
274 Nuzleaf
276 Taillow
277 Swellow
278 Wingull

Generation 4 (Sinnoh)

280 Ralts
281 Kirlia
283 Surskit
284 Masquerain
285 Shroomish
286 Breloom
287 Slakoth
288 Vigoroth
290 Nincada
293 Whismur
294 Loudred
296 Makuhita
297 Hariyama
300 Skitty
301 Delcatty
302 Sableye
304 Aron
307 Meditite
308 Medicham
309 Electrike
311 Plusle
312 Minun
315 Roselia
316 Gulpin
317 Swalot
318 Carvanha
319 Sharpedo
322 Numel
323 Camerupt
324 Torkoal
325 Spoink
326 Grumpig
327 Spinda
328 Trapinch
329 Vibrava
330 Flygon
333 Swablu
334 Altaria
335 Zangoose
336 Seviper
338 Solrock
339 Barboach
340 Whiscash
341 Corphish
343 Baltoy
344 Claydol
345 Lileep
346 Cradily
347 Anorith
351 Castform
351 Castform Sunny
352 Kecleon

Generation 5 (Unova)

353 Shuppet
354 Banette
355 Duskull
356 Dusclops
358 Chimecho
349 Feebas
360 Wynaut
361 Snorunt
363 Spheal
364 Sealeo
365 Walrein
366 Clamperl
367 Huntail
368 Gorebyss
369 Relicanth
370 Luvdisc
371 Bagon
372 Shelgon
373 Salmence
374 Beldum
375 Metang
376 Metagross
379 Registeel
380 Latias
381 Latios
382 Kyogre
383 Groudon
384 Rayquaza
385 Jirachi
387 Turtwig
390 Chimchar
391 Monferno
393 Piplup
394 Prinplup
396 Starly
397 Staravia
399 Bidoof
400 Bibarel
401 Kricketot
402 Kricketune
403 Shinx
404 Luxio
408 Cranidos
410 Shieldon
412 Burmy
414 Mothim
415 Combee
416 Vespiquen
417 Pachirisu
418 Buizel
419 Floatzel
420 Cherubi
421 Cherrim
422 Shellos
423 Gastrodon
424 Ambipom
425 Drifloon
426 Drifblim

Generation 6 (Kalos)

427 Buneary
428 Lopunny
431 Glameow
433 Chingling
434 Stunky
436 Bronzor
437 Bronzong
438 Bonsly
439 Mime Jr.
440 Happiny
441 Chatot
442 Spiritomb
443 Gible
444 Gabite
447 Riolu
448 Lucario
449 Hippopotas
450 Hippowdon
451 Skorupi
453 Croagunk
454 Toxicroak
456 Finneon
457 Lumineon
458 Mantyke
459 Snover
461 Weavile
462 Magnezone
463 Lickilicky
465 Tangrowth
467 Magmortar
469 Yanmega
470 Leafeon
471 Glaceon
473 Mamoswine
474 Porygon-Z
475 Gallade
479 Rotom

Generation 7 (Alola)

486 Regigigas
489 Phione
490 Manaphy
492 Shaymin
495 Snivy
496 Servine
498 Tepig
499 Pignite
501 Oshawott
502 Dewott
504 Patrat
505 Watchog
506 Lillipup
507 Herdier
509 Purrloin
510 Liepard
511 Pansage
512 Simisage
513 Pansear
514 Simisear
515 Panpour
517 Munna
519 Pidove
520 Tranquill
521 Unfezant
522 Blitzle
523 Zebstrika
524 Roggenrola
527 Woobat
528 Swoobat
529 Drilbur
530 Excadrill
531 Audino
532 Timburr
533 Gurdurr
535 Tympole
536 Palpitoad
538 Throh
539 Sawk
540 Sewaddle
541 Swadloon
542 Leavanny

Generation 8 (Galar)

548 Petilil
551 Sandile
552 Krokorok
553 Krookodile
554 Darumaka
559 Scraggy
560 Scrafty
568 Trubbish
569 Garbodor
570 Zorua
572 Minccino
574 Gothita
577 Solosis
580 Ducklett
582 Vanillite
587 Emolga
588 Karrablast
605 Elgyem
607 Litwick
613 Cubchoo

Generation 9 (Paldea)

648 Meloetta
650 Chespin
651 Quilladin
653 Fennekin
656 Froakie
657 Frogadier
659 Bunnelby
661 Fletchling
662 Fletchinder
667 Litleo
677 Espurr
700 Sylveon
702 Dedenne
722 Rowlet
725 Litten
726 Torracat
728 Popplio
731 Pikipek
732 Trumbeak
733 Toucannon
734 Yungoos
736 Grubbin
737 Charjabug
744 Rockruff
746 Wishiwashi
749 Mudbray
774 Minior
778 Mimikyu
807 Zeraora
810 Grookey
813 Scorbunny
816 Sobble
819 Skwovet
820 Greedent
821 Rookidee
827 Nickit
840 Applin
859 Impidimp
866 Mr. Rime
875 Eiscue
877 Morpeko
885 Dreepy
896 Glastrier
899 Wyrdeer
906 Sprigatito
909 Fuecoco
910 Crocalor
912 Quaxly
915 LeChonk
916 Oinkologne
921 Pawmi
922 Pawmo
923 Pawmot
924 Tandemaus
926 Fidough
927 Dachsbun
928 Smoliv
931 Squawkabilly
932 Nacli
938 Tadbulb
939 Bellibolt
940 Wattrel
941 Kilowattrel
942 Maschiff
943 Mabosstiff
944 Shroodle
945 Grafaiai
948 Toedscool
951 Capsakid
953 Rellor
957 Tinkatink
960 Wiglett
963 Finizen
965 Varoom
968 Orthworm
973 Flamigo
974 Cetoddle
976 Veluza
977 Dondozo
978 Tatsugiri
980 Clodsire
981 Farigiraf
985 Scream Tail
991 Iron Bundle
996 Frigibax
997 Arctibax
1000 Gholdengo
1001 Wochien
1002 Chien Pao
1003 Tinglu
1004 Chi Yu
1005 Roaring Moon
1006 Iron Valiant
1007 Koraidon
1008 Miraidon
1009 Walking Wake
1011 Dipplin



Vanila Mobs

Special Edition

AlsoBonzai Broz S2

Aqua Crew Rocket



AugieTilly S2






Bigpufferrr S2

BlownToBitz S2

Bonsai_Broz S2

BonsaiBroz (Sean)

BonsaiBroz (Travis)


Breezalea S2





D4 Sloth


DinoblivionTV S2

Drake Hurley S2

EC0516 S2



Fran1 S2

Fred the Dragon


Giddawid S2


HadesMythos S2


HalloweenMoonCrab S2

Heart Hand S2

HeckMuffins S2

Iamwonton S2

ItsReallyGuffy S2



Joel S2

Juicy_33 S2


JustBeingSam S2


JustSknow S2


KaraCorvus S2

KDoolzKdoolz S2


Koziichu S2



Kruzadar S2

Kruzadar Tuxedo







MoxieMils S2

MsToxicBanana S2


NerdComedyGaming S2


Nyxpip S2



PastaroniRavioli S2

PeteZuhHutt S2


PhantomACE S2

PoseidonMythos S2

Purple Crew Rocket


Red Crew Rocket




Sarinjin S2


SerenaBee S2



SideArms BFC

SideArms S2



SlackATK S2


SlayedByBlade S2


Speczii S2

Stinkee S2



TedFarkassTV S2


TheDEluxe4 Cop

TheDeluxe4 S2



TheOneManny S2

TheRealShab S2




WholesomeHomies S2



xBunniBee S2

YourGuyShy S2
























Piglin Brute










Wandering Trader




Wither Skeleton







Allay Plushie

Armadillo Plushie

Axolotl Plushie

Bat Plushie

Bee Plushie

Black Cat Plushie

Black Horse Plushie

Black N White Rabbit Plushie

Black Rabbit Plushie

Blaze Plushie

Blue Axolotl Plushie

Blue Parrot Plushie

Breeze Plushie

British Shorthair Cat Plushie

Brown Axolotl Plushie

Calico Cat Plushie

Camel Plushie

Cat Plushie

Cave Spider Plushie

Chestnut Horse Plushie

Chicken Plushie

Cow Plushie

Creeper Plushie

Cyan Axolotl Plushie

Cyan Parrot Plushie

Dolphin Plushie

Donkey Plushie

Drowned Plushie

Elder Guardian Plushie

Ender Dragon Plushie

Enderman Plushie

Evoker Plushie

Fox Plushie

Frog Plushie

Ghast Plushie

Glow Squid Plushie

Goat Plushie

Gold Axolotl Plushie

Gold Rabbit Plushie

Gray Horse Plushie

Gray Parrot Plushie

Green Parrot Plushie

Guardian Plushie

Hoglin Plushie

Horse Plushie

Husk Plushie

Iron Golem Plushie

Jellie Cat Plushie

Llama Plushie

Magma Cube Plushie

Mooshroom Plushie

Mule Plushie

Panda Plushie

Parrot Plushie

Penguin Plushie

Persian Cat Plushie

Phantom Plushie

Pig Plushie

Piglin Brute Plushie

Piglin Plushie

Pillager Plushie

Polar Bear Plushie

Pufferfish Plushie

Rabbit Plushie

Ragdoll Cat Plushie

Ravager Plushie

Robin Plushie

Salt N Pepper Rabbit Plushie

Sheep Plushie

Shulker Plushie

Siamese Cat Plushie

Skeleton Horse Plushie

Skeleton Plushie

Slime Plushie

Sniffer Plushie

Snow Fox Plushie

Spider Plushie

Squid Plushie

Stray Plushie

Strider Plushie

Tabby Cat Plushie

Temperate Frog Plushie

Toast Rabbit Plushie

Trader Llama Plushie

Turtle Plushie

Tuxedo Cat Plushie

Vex Plushie

Villager Plushie

Vindicator Plushie

Wandering Trader Plushie

Warden Plushie

Warm Frog Plushie

White Cat Plushie

White Horse Plushie

White Rabbit Plushie

Witch Plushie

Wither Plushie

Wither Skeleton Plushie

Wolf Plushie

Zoglin Plushie

Zombie Plushie

Zombie Villager Plushie

Zombified Piglin Plushie


Aerolith Plushie

Automaton Plushie

Bersorker Orc Plushie

Bladeback Orc Plushie

Blue Rift Hound Plushie

Bubble Slime Plushie

Buff Shaman Plushie

Crystal Scalemaws Plushie

Crystal Slime Plushie

Flare Slime Plushie

Flash Slime Plushie

Fractal Plushie

Goblin Foot Soldier Plushie

Goblin Plushie

Goblin Shadowhunter Plushie

Goblin Sharpshooter Plushie

Gold Aerolith Plushie

Gold Automaton Plushie

Gold Bersorker Orc Plushie

Gold Bladeback Orc Plushie

Gold Bubble Slime Plushie

Gold Buff Shaman Plushie

Gold Crystal Scalemaws Plushie

Gold Crystal Slime Plushie

Gold Flare Slime Plushie

Gold Flash Slime Plushie

Gold Fractal Plushie

Gold Goblin Foot Soldier Plushie

Gold Goblin Plushie

Gold Goblin Shadowhunter Plushie

Gold Goblin Sharpshooter Plushie

Gold Golem Guardian Plushie

Gold Health Shaman Plushie

Gold Orc Plushie

Gold Quake Slime Plushie

Gold Rift Hound Plushie

Gold Scalemaw Hatchling Plushie

Gold Shield Shaman Plushie

Gold Sludge Slime Plushie

Gold Standard Slime Plushie

Gold Steelguard Orc Plushie

Golem Guardian Plushie

Health Shaman Plushie

Orc Plushie

Purple Rift Hound Plushie

Quake Slime Plushie

Scalemaw Hatchling Green Plushie

Scalemaw Hatchling Plushie

Shield Shaman Plushie

Sludge Slime Plushie

Standard Slime Plushie

Steelguard Orc Bronze Plushie

Steelguard Orc Copper Plushie

Steelguard Orc Iron Plushie


Golden Mob

Golden Armadillo Plushie

Golden Axolotl Plushie

Golden Cat Plushie

Golden Cow Plushie

Golden Creeper Plushie

Golden Dolphin Plushie

Golden Goat Plushie

Golden Pig Plushie

Golden Rabbit Plushie

Golden Wolf Plushie

Special Edition

Alan Spacewalker Plushie

Ashley Tan Plushie

Baby Yoga Plushie

Blah Blah Plushie

Blue Bounty Hunter Plushie

Blue Droid Plushie

Bobby One Plushie

Bounty Hunter Plushie

Chewie Plushie

Dan Rolo Plushie

Dark Father Plushie

Dark Mall Plushie

Duke Spacewalker Plushie

Emperor Plushie

Gold Droid Plushie

Mike Window Plushie

Pedro Plushie

Phoebe Plushie

PP 8 Plushie

Princess Leah Plushie

Storm Soldier Plushie

Yoga Plushie

Celtic Guardian Plushie

Dark Magician Girl Plushie

Dark Magician Plushie

Elemental Hero Avian Plushie

Elemental Hero Bubbleman Plushie

Elemental Hero Burstinatrix Plushie

Elemental Hero Clayman Plushie

Elemental Hero Flame Wingman Plushie

Elemental Hero Neos Plushie

Elemental Hero Sparkman Plushie

Harpie Lady Plushie

Jinzo Plushie

Joey Wheeler Plushie

Kuribo Plushie

Mai Valentine Plushie

Pot Of Greed Plushie

Seto Kaiba Plushie

Summoned Skull Plushie

Time Wizard Plushie

Yami Yugi Plushie

Exodias Head Plushie

Exodias Left Arm Plushie

Exodias Right Arm Plushie

Exodias Left Leg Plushie

Exodias Right Leg Plushie

Beerus Plushie

Broly Plushie

Frieza Plushie

Gogeta Plushie

Goku Plushie

Goku Ssjb Plushie

Jiren Plushie

Kid Goten Plushie

Kid Trunks Plushie

Korin Plushie

Krillin Plushie

Mr Satan Plushie

Piccolo Plushie

Toppo Plushie

Ultimate Gohan Plushie

Vegeta Plushie

Vegeta Ssjb Plushie

Vegito Plushie

Whis Plushie

Zeno Plushie

Angel Plushie

Beast Plushie

Big Apocalypse Plushie

Big Juggernaut Plushie

Big Nimrod Plushie

Big Sentinel Plushie

Bishop Plushie

Cable Plushie

Colossus Plushie

Cyclops Plushie

Deadpool Plushie

Domino Plushie

Gambit Plushie

Golden Deadpool Plushie

Golden Wolverine Plushie

Havok Plushie

Iceman Plushie

Jean Grey Plushie

Jubilee Plushie

Kitty Pryde Plushie

Magneto Plushie

Mr Sinister Plushie

Mystique Plushie

Nightcrawler Plushie

Phoenix Plushie

Professor X Plushie

Psylocke Plushie

Rogue Plushie

Sabretooth Plushie

Storm Plushie

Wolverine Plushie

X 23 Plushie

April Plushie

Baxter Stockman Plushie

Bebop Plushie

Casey Jones Plushie

Donatello Plushie

Foot Club Blue Plushie

Foot Club Gold Plushie

Foot Club Purple Plushie

Foot Club Silver Plushie

Jennika Plushie

Krang Plushie

Leatherhead Plushie

Leonardo Plushie

Metalhead Plushie

Mikey Plushie

Mouser Plushie

Rahzar Plushie

Raphael Plushie

Rat King Plushie

Rocksteady Plushie

Shredder Plushie

Slash Plushie

Splinter Plushie

Tokka Plushie

Triceraton Plushie

Anger Plushie

Anxiety Plushie

Bing Bong Plushie

Disgust Plushie

Embarrassment Plushie

Ennui Plushie

Envy Plushie

Fear Plushie

Joy Plushie

Nostalgia Plushie

Sadness Plushie







Apple Plushie

Beetroot Plushie

Bread Plushie Plushie

Brown Mushroom Plushie

Cake Plushie

Carrot Plushie

Chorus Fruit Plushie

Cookie Plushie

Donut Plushie

Golden Carrot Plushie

Melon Plushie

Potato Plushie

Pumpkin Plushie

Red Mushroom Plushie

Stroopwafel Plushie

Sushi Plushie


Acupuncture Plushie

Balloon Clown Plushie

Charles Plushie

Clown Blue Plushie

Clown Red Plushie

Death Plushie

Devil Plushie

Frank Stein Plushie

Franky Plushie

Golden Mr Bones Plushie

Jack Lantern Plushie

Joris Plushie

Killer Plushie

Mr Bones Plushie

Mummy Plushie

Pizza Bear Plushie

Puppet Plushie

Slasher Plushie

Termitesauce Plushie

Vampire Plushie

Blue Bunny

Blue Chick

Brown Bunny

Easter Bunny

Hopz Bunny

Mother Goose

Pink Bunny

Pink Chick

White Bunny

Yellow Bunny

Yellow Chick

Fungie Plushie

Golden Leprechaun Plushie

Gray Leprechaun Plushie

Green Irish Teddy Plushie

Leprechaun Flag Plushie

Leprechaun Plushie

Northern Lapwing Plushie

Orange Irish Teddy Plushie

Pot O Gold Leprechaun Plushie

Shamrock Leprechaun Plushie

Abraham Lincoln Plushie

Big Willy the Eagle Plushie

George Washington Plushie

Hulk Brother Plushie

Silly Stallion Plushie

Statue of Liberty Plushie

Blue American Teddy Plushie

Red American Teddy Plushie

Teddy Bear Roosevelt Plushie

Uncle Sam Plushie

Xmas Angel Plushie

Xmas Baymax Armored Plushie

Xmas Baymax Plushie

Xmas Buzz Lightyear Plushie

Xmas Duchess Plushie

Xmas Duchess Plushie

Xmas Goofy Plushie

Xmas Jack Skellington Plushie

Xmas Lady Plushie

Xmas Lightning Mcqueen Plushie

Xmas Light Fury Plushie

Xmas Mater Plushie

Xmas Mike Wasowski Plushie

Xmas Olaf Plushie

Xmas Oogie Boogie Plushie

Xmas Pluto Plushie

Xmas Pumba Plushie

Xmas Stitch Plushie

Xmas Sully Plushie

Xmas Sven Plushie

Xmas Thomas Omalley Plushie

Xmas Timon Plushie

Xmas Toothless Plushie

Xmas Tramp Plushie

Xmas Walle Plushie

Xmas Woody Plushie

Cozy Ibex Plushie

Cozy Owl Plushie

Cozy Penguin Plushie

Cozy Polar Bear Plushie

Cozy Raccoon Plushie

Cozy Robin Plushie

Cozy Snow Leopard Plushie

Cozy Squirrel Plushie

Cozy Tiger Plushie

Cozy Villager Plushie

Christmas Bauble Plushie

Christmas Candle Plushie

Christmas Cracker Plushie

Christmas Present Plushie

Cute Angel Plushie

Egg Nog Plushie

Gingerbread Woman Plushie

Krampus Plushie

MEGA Hunky Santa Plushie

Nutcracker Blue Plushie

Nutcracker Green Plushie

Nutcracker Red Plushie

Scringe Plushie

Scrooge Plushie

Snowball Plushie

Snowman Plushie

Yule Log Plushie


BFC Plushie

D4 Sloth Plushie

Fred The Dragon Plushie